March Competition - 3 Digital Categories (digital representations)
Theme for Month - Long Exposure Theme, Open & Photojournalism
NOTE - All photos used in website are copyrighted and for show only
Program Night
March 20th, 2025 @ 7 PM Room 200
If you are having trouble getting into membership area,
send website administer an email, link at bottom,
Updated 03/07/2025 by Mike Parker
Competitions for the next 3 months
April is a color PRINT month - The theme is "Feather(s)", and Open (B&W or Color) and Nature
May is a DIGITAL month - The theme is "Spring Flowers", and Open (B&W or Color) and Photojournalism
June is a B&W PRINT month - The theme is "Cemetery", and Open (B&W or Color) and Nature
Updated 03/07/2025 by Mike Parker
The Greater New Orleans Camera Club serves photographic enthusiasts in New Orleans and its suburbs.
Our meetings are held each month at 7:00 p. m. at Munholland Methodist Church, 1201 Metairie Road, Metairie, La. On the first Thursday, we have print or digital competitions. On third Thursday of the month it is a program (during summer months this meeting may not be held due to vacations). In addition to these meetings we try to go on a monthly field trip. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Our club is a member of the Gulf States Camera Club Council and PSA.
History of Our Club
The Greater New Orleans Camera Club was established in the 1950's to promote the enjoyment of photography through a better understanding of the technical and creative aspects of the art.
In 1954 there was a notice in the Jefferson Parish Times calling for amateur photographers who would be interested in organizing a club. Only five people showed up: Dave Callen, Clarence Foret, Jake Lambert, Vincent Palumbo and Mary Rheems. Those were the charter members.
The first two meetings were held at the Jefferson Times building. After that the meetings were moved to a double garage owned by Vincent Palumbo's father. About a year later the club moved to the Jefferson Parish playground behind the Riverdale School and changed its name to The Jefferson Community Center Camera Club. Later the club moved to the public library on Washington Ave. in Orleans Parish. At that time The Jefferson Community Camera Club became the Greater New Orleans Camera Club.
In the coming years the camera club moved to various other locations and finally to our present location at the Munholland United Methodist Church, 1201 Metairie Road, Metairie.
Seventy + years later and the club is still going strong and we always welcome new members.
Thanks to all the members who have kept the club going over the years including the present officers, newsletter editor, and webmaster.
Contact info:
Member of Gulf States Camera Club Council
TO view GSCCC Competition images and to do GSCCC Judging, click this link Gulf States CCC Visual Pusuits Website